The West Midlands Synod is one of thirteen Synods within the United Reformed Church. The Synod actively communicates with the individual Churches to ensure they are getting the best support possible in their ministry.
There are 93 Churches located in seven pastoral areas as seen below in the diagram. These also include those that are located in the Black Country, the Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield and Solihull Metropolitan Borough. This includes all of Gloucestershire except that covered by the South Glos Local Authority. The image below shows where the pastoral areas are (NB: North and Mid Staffs have combined to make a single pastoral area.)
Specialist officers serve in the areas of safeguarding, property, legal and financial matters as well as children & youth, evangelism and training. the Moderator serves with pastoral oversight of the whole Synod..
For more information about the URC generally, click on the link that will take you to the national website.